Докоснете се до тайната философия на минерали и кристали.Минералите и кристалите имат феноменални свойства, лечебни и магически за човека.

събота, 6 март 2010 г.


Още от древни времена в Индия се изработват схеми по Наваратна, древната подредба от ведите на скъпоценни камъни в зависимост от данните на определен човек.
This article is reproduced with kind permission from the National Gem and Jewellery Authority.
There are three main ways in which gems can be used -firstly as body ornaments, or to show rank and status and secondly, as a symbol of wealth.Thirdly- depending on ones superstitious beliefs -to bring blessings and good fortune ; to ward off evil and even to cure certain illnesses and diseases.
Navaratna, literally a sanscrict compound word meaning Nine Gems is a talisman or accessory set with Nine Gemstones.

From ancient times most of the people in Sri Lanka and elsewhere in the world believed that gemstones influenced their lives in a number of ways. Accordingly people could achieve success and gain good health by wearing an appropriate stone in a piece of jewelry.
In India a man of outstanding qualities is called Purusha Ratna(Gem of a Man) and woman of outstanding qualities is called Sthree Ratna(Gem of a Woman). The highest award given by the Indian Government to its citizens in recognition of their services to the nation is called Bharata Ratna (Gem of India). In India Navaratna is known as Maharatna or Divine Gem Stones.